Monday, November 17, 2008


From the moment I read about her I knew she was something special.

Kleonike to me is kind off the comic release in this play, even though the play initself is comical.

Kleonike comes across as a very very dumb women who understimates her power as a woman and lacks the ability to com eup with logial and indepth reasoning like Lysistrata does. Thorughtout the novel there is a sense of learning for her. She learns how to use her power and manipulate her man with it and in a way it seems as if she was more reasured of who she is and what her true value is.

In my mind she is skinny, she wears glasses, wears odd outfits, she speaks through her nose and drags her feet as she walks. IDK why but this how I picture about u guys?


roman said...

i pictured her as your average Greek woman, nothing distinguishable, just another person in the crowd. But i agree with you guys that she was very weak and simple minded, and because of that and her constant moaning and groaning i didnt line her.

Ashley said...

I would picture her as a middle-aged woman with loads of makeup on, as a woman trying to maintain her youth. Nonetheless, he's still stupid and weak.