Monday, November 17, 2008

The depiction of Men

Men in this play r also depicted very negatively to me. They are seen as if they were irrational creatures who have the sole purpose of fighting in wars withour having a single idea of what the consequences of their actions may be. Having have said this i also think that thay are seen as overly sexual adn too lusty. Yes, there are times of desperation, but it just occurrs to me that even in times of sexual desperation and need there are other alternate solutions even during these times.


roman said...

true, men are crapped on in this play, i think that they are too heavily seen as sexual ogres who only want to have sex and beat things. As a man myslef i take this very personally, as i have many sides to me. This play was to ready to attack men, but then again id dint like the paly much

Anonymous said...

the women aren't looking too good either. i mean they can't control themselves either.
they were trying to sneak out to have sex..
EVEN though the play is supposed to occur within 24 hours.