Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Victim

In my opinion, the true victim in this play was Hedda Gabler. Why? Because...

1) She had no power over her life.
Hedda seemed as if she was in control but in reality she was the on being controlled. She
lacked the ability to be as powerful as Brack or any other men in the play.

2) Brack takes advantage of her.
Hedda is trapped and manipulated by Brack. She lacks the power to escape his manipulation
and she lacks the strenght to confront him.

3) Thea steals Lovborg from her!
Sure sure, she doesnt really love him but Thea does come in the picture, to a certain extent
take advantage of Lovborg and impact negatively Hedda.


Patti said...

I disagree.. I think Hedda brought a great deal of that upon herself, like she already had power with her marriage to George so why did she need to persue anything with Brack and Lovborg? I think she just wanted more and more power so she did all this stupid stuff and just played the victim in the end.. and then felt she had to kill herself.

Anonymous said...

yeah..i kinda agree with Patti.
i think Hedda set herself up for failure. :(
she didn't HAVE to kill herself..
nor did she have to (re)involve herself Lovborg/Brack..

Mr. TIckle Me Elmo said...

I agree with them both to a certain alot of the prblems Hedda had were brought by her bt at the same time, its not like she had a choice...Now when I say that Im not sayin she was right for killin herself..I mean that Hedda was so used to having her way and when she couldnt get it, she manipulated everyone around to get wat she wanted...And when she realized that no longer worked, she didnt kno what else to do